Hey all!
We wanted to get this update out yesterday but ran into a few issues during our testing on iOS. We're happy to announce that those have since been resolved! See the full changes below:
- Fixed an issue where dialogues would only show the first person on iOS/Safari
- Fixed an issue where audio would not play on iOS/Safari
- Fixed an issue where the dialogues would jump/flash on the screen as phrases appeared
- Fixed an issue where restarting the dialogue would result in strange behavior under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue where you were unable to complete dialogues
- Updated the UI at the top of the dialogues to make it easier to know if you are supposed to be doing the dialogue, if you've already completed it, or if you're just browsing it
- May have fixed an issue with audio overlapping, this is an interesting bug that seems slightly sporradic
Thanks for your patience iOS users! You can now experience one of our favorite parts of the platform :D